
Virgorising.io is both (1) an actual pop-up shop and (2) a personal UX project. We are not currently accepting any transactions. Until th

Plants / Crystals / Magic

You've arrived

to a secret garden

A pop-up of interesting curiosities

How this pop-up shop works

Free Shipping on orders $35+
US only. Local handoff available!


Browse the pop-up

First come, first serve! The shop is updated constantly to reflect current inventory.


Complete transaction

Our products are limited and are from my personal collection. Snatch it, before someone does!


Product shipped (or handed off)

Plants are shipped on the next Monday or Tuesday only. We arrange for pick-up/drop-off/meet-up for local residents.


Share with your friends

Its one-of-a-kind 😉

Rocks and Crystals

I'll let you know when they're ready.

The crystals I have available are part of my personal collection. When the pandemic kept us indoors, my desire to travel didn't stop me from collecting gems and minerals from different parts of the world.